Thursday, May 29, 2008

katydid...practice her macro skillz.

Admittedly, I'm not very good at the macro photography. I tend to not have my focus in the appropriate places & I have little patience for a light breeze (totally reeks havoc with the necessary slow shutter speeds). But I'm trying. Here are some forest shots from Red Rock Regional Park from Memorial Day. I love how this area has all these great hiking areas.

Evidence of my funky focus habits. I should have been focusing on the spider. Instead, the side of the web is in focus.

And, some motion issues. The ladybug is a little fuzzy.

Now some shots I'm proud of. I love the sharp focus going on with the leaf & twig and that the background was appropriately blurred out. And the flower? I love the lighting. It's like the flower is hiding something. And these two photos had very little photoshop'ing. The leaf one had a bit of color popping & the flower I think I left as-is!

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