Sunday, January 6, 2008

katydid...stick with the resolution!

While I haven't been blogging my pictures, I certainly have been taking them! I'm finding that it's quite difficult to keep up with the creativity day-after-day, but I'm determined to stick with the resolution! And, I'll be travelling for work over the next few days, so I'll do another catch-up post when I get back!

Here's today's picture. The website I made for my mom's non-profit is going live!

Friday's picture: Hans' bracelets w/ my bracelets. Hans grew up in Madagascar & wearing silver bracelets seem to be a tradition there. His are from his dad & his stepdad. Mine are from Hans' (Malagasy) stepmom & Hans (he bought it for me on our honeymoon in Thailand).

Saturday's picture: white leaves.

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