Sunday, January 27, 2008

katydid...spend Saturday photographing.

My weekly catch-up post! I'll take today's picture later tonight, but I shot some good stuff, in my *humble* opinion, this week. Thanks for looking & feel free to comment! (you need to have a google account to do that, though)

Monday: Ginger & Port Poached pears, made by husband-extraordinaire, Hans. Tasty!

Tuesday: Orangeyou having a good week, yet? Yes, this is a bit of a boring picture.

Wednesday: working with lilies, day 1. Practice makes...

Thursday: working with lilies, day 2-....PERFECT! I *love* this shot

Friday: Cuppa tea.

Saturday: I went a-photographing with Christina in Old Town Alexandria. And then I went into DC with Hans. These are my favorites of the day!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

katydid...make a delicious dinner! (and catch-up on her blogging)

So, I'm finding keeping up with blogging & Project 365'ing is difficult. And I have to let one slip,
so I'll probably be blogging only once a week or so. Forgive me (and enjoy the following photos!) & anywho...

Ole! Hans & I freaking puffy heart tacos. Not taco-seasoning-and-crispy-shell-with-iceberg-tacos, but proper, based-in-authencity tacos. Tonight was a charred peppers and a "mojo" marinated chicken (fresh orange juice, cumin, chili powder, garlic, and ground pasilla peppers) variety with roasted corn (frozen from Trader Joe's & doctored up with fresh tomatoes & cilantro), jicama (with lime!), and sweet plantains. The plantains, as always, are the most delicioso part! :)

Catching up:

Wednesday: Thai for dinner!

Thursday: Snow!

Friday: Georgetown, at night.

Saturday: Purcellville, at dusk. A few extra, for your patience! :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

katydid...decide on a website design!

Some of you may know I've agonizing over a logo and website site for my photography "business." (it's not really a business. yet, anyways!) I think I've finally decided on a winner! Mad props to my hubz, Hans, for suggesting using a filmstrip across the top. Coming to an Internet near you...soon!

Monday, January 14, 2008


Oops! On Saturday I forgot to take a photo. Luckily, 2008 is a leap year so I won't have to rename my effort Project 364!

Sunday: wireless mouse and keyboard. Do you think it'd look better if I changed my focus? Like, make the mouse in focus & not the keyboard? Hmmmm...

Monday: my feets, pjs, and wall-o-photos.

Friday, January 11, 2008

katydid...take a photo of herself!

Every photographer, pro or otherwise, needs a picture of them taking a picture. RIGHT?!? And, this is proof of happy mistakes. This was an "outtake" but turned out to be my favorite. I like how my forehead is cropped off. More focus on my eyes and the camera!

katydid...take kickass photos in Ft. Lauderdale.

So, I was in 'Lauderdale on business. I was workin' like 12 hour days when you put in the schmoozing I was supposed to be doing in the evening. BUT, I was able to squeeze in a few workouts AND photo frames! I grew up in FL and sometimes forget it really is a beautiful state. The sunsets are especially breathtaking. My room was on the 12th floor and I got some spectacular views of what I can only assume is downtown Ft. Lauderdale. Below you've got a nice smattering of what it looks like at night, at night actin' crazy, and during a cloudy/rainy sky with what *may* be a Ron Paul 4 Prez. balloon. Just sayin'

Monday, Jan. 7th.

Tuesday, Jan. 8th.

Wednesday, Jan 9th.

Thursday, Jan.. 10th.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

katydid...stick with the resolution!

While I haven't been blogging my pictures, I certainly have been taking them! I'm finding that it's quite difficult to keep up with the creativity day-after-day, but I'm determined to stick with the resolution! And, I'll be travelling for work over the next few days, so I'll do another catch-up post when I get back!

Here's today's picture. The website I made for my mom's non-profit is going live!

Friday's picture: Hans' bracelets w/ my bracelets. Hans grew up in Madagascar & wearing silver bracelets seem to be a tradition there. His are from his dad & his stepdad. Mine are from Hans' (Malagasy) stepmom & Hans (he bought it for me on our honeymoon in Thailand).

Saturday's picture: white leaves.

Thursday, January 3, 2008 an apple a day.

Actually, that should probably be "katydoes." Whatev. I was too hungry to be very creative:

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

katydid...feel flower-y.

So, in addition to getting better at photography by taking a picture everyday, I also want to get better at Photoshop. Right now, I'm diggin' the black & white conversions.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

katydid...make a new year's resolution.

I resolve to take at least 1 picture everyday (and eat more veggies and workout 3x per week). Today I went out for a walk (exercise!) & tried out things on my new camera. It really takes a lot of getting used to!

(Ansel Adams...EAT YOUR HEART OUT!) ;)

katydid...get a new camera!

I am now the proud owner of a Canon 40d. I was going to wait a few months, but I had the money all saved up & Hans was really encouraging me to go for it. What can I say: I'm a sucker for peer pressure! It was actually quite difficult to find the one with the kit lens I wanted (28-135mm). The night after I got it, we went out to do some night photography...something that would have been impossible on my other camera!

Check out these shots (the first one is straight out of the camera & the second one has be photoshop'd a bit...I don't think I set the white balance right. OOPS!)