Tuesday, January 20, 2009

katydid...brave the crowd & cold to see the 44th President of the US sworn in.

(spells OBAMA)

And it wasn't as bad as I had expected. I've been to the Mall (notice the capital letter. I'm not talking a place to shop) for the Fourth of July fireworks before. So, I was expecting a ridiculous amount of people. I was expecting pushing. I was expecting impatience (especially given the 20 degree temps!). I was expecting, in short, the worst.
Instead, people were unbelievably civil. There was no pushing even when we were being herded like cattle down 18th Street. No yelling. And, despite almost no visible security on the Mall (I'm sure there was some there, but I didn't see anything other than snipers on the roof of a museum), nothing bad happened. Being a DC-area resident, while you aren't expecting a terrorist attack every.single.day, you are acutely aware of your surroundings and know, for a fact, that there are hateful people out there that are very willing to do stupid shit.
We ended up on the north side of the Washington Monument. We weren't far from the Jumbotron showing the ceremony & had a view of the front of the White House. Not too shabby.

Today I witnessed history. And braving cold & crowds was unquestionably worth it.
And here's the photos to prove it!
The crowds:
The Obama support:
And, FINALLY, the swearing in:

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