Tuesday, November 18, 2008

katydid...visit Florida.

Over Veteran's Day weekend hubz & I went down to visit my 'rents. The weather was perfect and it was a nice mini-break. Here's a collection of random snap shots of our trip


I totally rocked the vote Nov. 4th. Here's proof!

katydid...see fall colors.

I've been lazy (big surprise, right?) and haven't gotten around to uploading photos like I should. Shame on me! Well, ladiez & gents, hold on to you hats b/c you're going to get 3 posts in ONE night! Try to contain yourself.

This is from 3 weeks ago when the hubz & I went to the National Arboretum. I believe it was "peak color" for the DC area. This year we had nice color since the weather was consistant. Last year, everything just turned brown & fell off. blech.